In addition to our Project Partners, there are a number of important organizations working on coal ash issues. The list below includes a small selection of those working on coal ash across the nation.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Earthjustice: Because the Earth needs a good lawyer
Environmental Integrity Project
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Waterkeeper Alliance: Advocacy organization dedicated to preserving and protecting water from polluters
Sierra Club: Explore, enjoy, and protect the planet
Clean Water Action: A national citizens’ organization working for clean, safe, and affordable water, and prevention of health-threatening pollution
Coal Ash Chronicles: Stories of America’s second largest waste stream
Create-Your-Own Coal Ash Report

Full control to create the report of your choosing listing coal plants with ash impoundments in the Southeast.
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180 Seconds of Coal Ash Problems
So Many Ways To Say “Coal Ash”
There are a lot of words used to describe both coal ash waste and the ways in which it is stored. Coal ash is also called "coal combustion waste" (CCW) and "coal combustion residuals" (CCR). Wet coal ash impoundments are frequently known as "ponds," "lagoons," or "surface impoundments."