- Create-Your-Own Coal Ash Report Interactive Tool
- Webinar on
- Overview of the EPA RCRA Coal Ash Rule
- Ash in Lungs: How Breathing Coal Ash is Hazardous to Your Health
- Dangerous Waters: America’s Coal Ash Crisis
- Biological Assessment to Determine Impacts of Selenium Pollution From Coal Ash Wastewater Discharges on Fish Populations in Lake Sutton, NC
- Dump Now, Pay Later: Coal Ash Disposal Risk for the U.S. Electric Power Sector
- Congressional Report: Proposed Coal Ash Legislation Inadequate to Protect Human Health
- Coal Ash: Impacts on NC Water Resources
- Coal Ash: The Toxic Threat to our Health and Environment
- State of Failure: How States Fail to Protect Our Health and Drinking Water from Toxic Coal Ash
- Coal Ash: Florida’s Toxic Trash Exposed
- EPA’s Blind Spot: Hexavalent Chromium in Coal Ash
- Waste Deep: Filling Mines with Coal Ash is Profit for Industry, but Poison for People
- New EPA Data Show Coal Ash Problem Much Worse, Number of Coal Ash Ponds Increases by Over 60%
- Three Years After Kingston Spill: Toxic Coal Ash Continues to Rise in U.S.
- In Harm’s Way: Lack of Federal Coal Ash Regulations Endangers
- Out of Control: Mounting Damages from Coal Ash Sites
- Risky Business: Coal Ash Threatens America’s Groundwater Resources at 19 More Sites
- Meet Coal Ash’s Fake New Chinese Friends: Big Steamed Bun and Handsom Dragon
- Forty-Nine Coal-Fired Plants Acknowledge Groundwater Contamination in Response to EPA Data Collection
- Coming Clean: What the EPA Knows About the Dangers of Coal Ash
- NC Chapter of the Sierra Club: Unlined Landfills? The story of coal ash waste in our backyard
Blogs and Articles
- 2014 Dan River spill news
- Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Clean Energy Footprints
- Appalachian Voices Blog, The Front Porch
- Earthjustice blog, unEARTHED
- Center for Public Integrity: Coal Ash
- Ecowatch: Coal Ash
- America’s Worst Industrial Accident: In Pictures
Fact Sheets
- Coal Ash Management Act Summary
- Alabama Coal Ash Pamphlet
- North Carolina: Coal ash impoundment, landfill and structural fill standards
- Template: Municipal coal ash resolution
- Timeline of coal ash events from Kingston disaster to January 2014
- Coal Ash: Regulatory Options
- Coal Ash: Debunking Stigma Claims
- Coal Ash: Kingston Health Assessment
- Coal Ash: Industry and Environmental Justice Concerns
- Coal Ash Myths and Facts
- Coal Ash: A National Problem Needs a National Solution
- EPA proposed coal plant water pollution standards
- Beneficial Reuse of Coal Ash: EPA rule would not regulate reuse–and would increase recycling
- Alabama’s Toxic Tragedy
- Florida’s Toxic Tragedy
- Georgia’s Toxic Tragedy
- Kentucky’s Toxic Tragedy
- Mississippi’s Toxic Tragedy
- North Carolina’s Toxic Tragedy
- Tennessee’s Toxic Tragedy
- Virginia’s Toxic Tragedy
- South Carolina’s Toxic Tragedy
Videos and Podcasts
- 6/22/14 NC and FL Coal Ash Update: Our Southern Community Pt. 1
- 6/22/14 NC and FL Coal Ash Update: Our Southern Community Pt. 2
- Interview with the president of Agrotech Producers Joe James about cleaning up coal ash ponds using agriculture
- Southeast Coal Ash Website Tour
- Earth Focus: Coal Ash: America’s Dirty Secret
- “At What Cost?” longtime residents near Duke Energy’s Belews Creek, North Carolina power plant talk about coal ash health impacts
- Telepresser: Discussing the need for coal ash regulations in the Southeast
- Webinar: Coal Ash–The Southeast’s Toxic Tragedy by the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Earthjustice and Southern Environmental Law Center
- From the Ash: Neighbors of the landfill in Perry County, Alabama where ash from the Kingston spill was dumped
- Citizens near Asheville, N.C. gathered on World Water Day 2012 to speak out against coal ash
- Clean Coal? Water Pollution at the Light Switch
- 180 Seconds of coal ash problems
- Part 1: An Indiana town’s stuck in a slow-motion cleanup of coal ash pollution
- Downwind and Downstream: A short film series about the impacts of coal ash
- Dan River Coal Ash Spill: Our Southern Community Part 1
- Dan River Coal Ash Spill: Our Southern Community Part 2
Press Releases
- Southern Environmental Law Center Press Releases
- Southern Alliance for Clean Energy Press Releases
- Rep. Oliver Introduces Legislation Aimed Regulating Georgia’s Solid Waste Management
- Environmental Groups Increasingly Concerned about Coal Ash Contamination in Tennessee
- NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources: Duke Coal Ash Facilities
Technical Documents
- Southern Environmental Law Center maps: Buried streams at coal ash ponds in North Carolina
- The State of Coal Ash Regulation in Tennessee
- The state of Coal Ash Regulation in North Carolina
- A Little More Arsenic With That Drinking Water?
- Re-evaluation of Estimates in USEPA Regulatory Impact Analysis
- Comments of Drs. Frank Ackerman and Elizabeth A. Stanton on USEPA Regulatory Impact Analysis
- New EPA Data Shows High Levels of Boron and Selenium in Scrubber Wastewater
- CRS Report, MicKinley Coal Ash Requirement Could be Ignored by States
- EPA’s Human and Ecological Risk Assessment for Coal Combustion Wastes
Legal Documents
- Complaint in federal coal ash deadline suit
- Bull Run petition for statutory appeal
- Johnsonville petition for statutory appeal
- John Sevier petition for statutory appeal
- Gallatin petition for statutory appeal
- Grainger complaint
- Wateree complaint
- Alabama Civil Rights complaint
Health Documents
Create-Your-Own Coal Ash Report

Full control to create the report of your choosing listing coal plants with ash impoundments in the Southeast.
Create your report NOW!
180 Seconds of Coal Ash Problems
So Many Ways To Say “Coal Ash”
There are a lot of words used to describe both coal ash waste and the ways in which it is stored. Coal ash is also called "coal combustion waste" (CCW) and "coal combustion residuals" (CCR). Wet coal ash impoundments are frequently known as "ponds," "lagoons," or "surface impoundments."